Sunday, November 22, 2009

Frank Zappa - Weird

Have been reading quite a bit about Frank Zappa. It is amazing that a weird character like him had attained the status of a Rock cult. His music was widely admired by millions of people. He was in a true sense the complete Rock Legend of the 70's and the 80's.
What people liked about him is still a mystery. He stood out in a time when there were icons such as Pink Floyd, Jim Morrison, Eagles etc. His foul and funny lyrics were consciously crass, earning him cult status though at times masking the complexity of his compositions. Of all the qualities that typified Frank Zappa, perhaps the most striking is that he was a paradox.

Some weird facts that i came across about Frank Zappa.

- Frank Zappa had four children. Their names demonstrate Zappa's devotion to eccentricity. The children are named Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Rodan, and Diva.

- A famous Zappa quote "Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe".

- A surprising number of things have been named after Frank Zappa, including two asteroids:
3834 Zappafrank, and 16745 Zappa. Also in the list is the ZapA gene of a microbe that causes infections of the urinary tract, a goby fish, a jellyfish, and extinct mollusk, and a spider, which is said to have a marking that resembles Zappa's famous moustache.

Some strange lyrics -

Hey! do you know what you are?
Youre an asshole! an asshole!
Some of you might not agree
Cause you probably likes a lot of misery
But think a while and you will see...
Broken hearts are for assholes
Broken hearts are for assholes
Are you an asshole?
Broken hearts are for assholes
Are you an asshole too?
Whatcha gonna do, cause you're an asshole...

Why does it hurt when I pee?
Why does it hurt when I pee?
I don't want no doctor
To stick no needle in me
Why does it hurt when I pee?
I got it from the toilet seat
I got it from the toilet seat
It jumped right up
N grabbed my meat
Got it from the toilet seat
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
Oh God I probably got the
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
Why does it
Why does it
Why does it
Why does it hurt...when i

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Shawshank Redemption

I thought of myself as a movie fanatic but am surprised that i missed this particular one for fifteen years.

Based on Stephen King's short novel "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption", this movie is brilliant storytelling through and through, with a depth in thematic imagery and symbolism, it transcends being just another prison film. It lets us know that even amid the most trying of circumstances, hope should never be extinguished.

When I first started watching this movie, it was like, oh great, a slow movie about prison life.

Somewhere along the way, I forgot I was watching a movie, and became so engrossed in it, that I felt like I was in the film, a part of it. The movie is absolutely riveting, the narration is incredible, and the, what a story. Put that together with a great cast, awesome soundtrack, and one of the best endings of all time, and you have a timeless classic. Simply wonderful!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Der Untergang

Curler....An epitome of narcissism in our office is finally taking a ride to nowhere.
The tail cutter has gullibly fallen for the "National role" ballyhoo. Somebody who used to think of himself as a Chanakya will soon be reduced to being the court jester. What happened to all your evil intellect Mr. Curler ? Did you miss a move somewhere ?

Iam a bit dissappointed though. I thought Curler would be a tougher enemy to fight than this. August 14th will be marked in our company's history as a day when they conquered a ten year old disease which was threatening the entire system's existence. I though would like to take 20% credit for all thats happening. Curler , you bastard , this is my gift to you for whatever you did to my closest friend.

And a salute to our Batter Babu for so effortlessly tackling a problem which we thought could never be solved. He is like Khairnar for us. Out on a demolition drive. First it was Kumar and now its Curler. I only hope people like Gunny realise that its safer to be behind the bulldozer than walking in front of it.

Now that Curlers kingdom is crashing, what will happen to his loyal farceurs like KK and Coco. I guess they will need to wait with their tongues out. I for sure will not miss an opportunity now to beat the shit out of them.

Hey Curler, I heard you sold your car too...I can only think of these lines for you at this moment

And all the roads jam up with credit
And there's nothing you can do
It's all just pieces of paper flying away from you
Oh look out world, take a good look
What comes down here
You must learn this lesson fast and learn it well
This ain't no upwardly mobile freeway
Oh no, this is the road
this is the road
This is the road to hell

P.S..I would like to apologise to Chris Rhea for having used his lines for a jerk like Curler..
Der Untergang means "The Downfall"..(for those people taking German tuitions)..

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

(Un) Shiney Ahuja

He had it all. Good looks, talent, bunch of movies in hand and also a good family. And he gave everything up, just like that. "Was it so difficult for him to get laid. Or was it the recession which drove him to the maid." Awesome, Iam becoming a poet..

He snatched away the nations fury from our boys in blue after their hapless performance. He has also etched a new word in our minds which we wont forget so easily, " In Consensus"..

Whats with the wives nowadays. Anything and everything is pardonable. A Chand ( For those who dont know him, ex-Chief minister of Haryana who changed his name from whatever to Chand). So Mr. Moon the Goon shuttles between his first wife and a hip Fiza ( I think she gets her eyebrows done everyday. Iam noticing. Thanks to my babe pals :) ). And both of them welcome him with open arms.
(Un) Shineys wife still beleives that he was framed. Even after he confessed. Wow. So much for education. Cant you read newspapers ?

As for the Ahuja..I can remember something apt for u..
A restless eye across a weary room
A glazed look and I was on the road to ruin
The music played and played as i whirled without end
No hint, no word her honour to defend
 I will, I will she sighed to my request
And then she tossed her mane while my resolve was put to the test
Then drowned in desire, my souls on fire
I lead the way to the funeral pyre
And without a thought of the consequence
I gave in to my decadence
 One slip, and down the hole i fall
It seems to take no time at all
A momentary lapse of reason
That binds a life for life
A small regret, i won't forget,
There'll be no sleep in here tonight

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Getting to know my father !!

My uncle passed away a month back. He was an avid reader. He would read anything and everything. He spent the last 5 years of his life reading. His room unearthed a treasure of books. About 4000 of them. From Ludlums to Karl Marx, JK Rowling to Khalil Gibran. Amidst this treasure was buried a small notebook which has brought an enigma into my life. In this notebook my uncle has penned 20 pages about my father.

I have not had the fortune of seeing my father so i never thought of getting to know about him. By the time i grew up and gained senses, he was not a part of my family's lives and they had got used to live without him. The only time I used to hear about him was when old relatives dropped in and spoke about him. I grew up with a cognizance that my father was partly religious, spoke well and was well travelled. Nothing beyond that.

This notebook has changed that perception in me. The 20 pages contain excerpts of my fathers writings. I got to know that he used to write regularly. About his travels across the world, about the people he met, about his family, about his joys and sorrows. The pieces of writings i found have indicated that he had an impeccable command over english, very clear thoughts and presentations and instances which were a lesson in philosophy and good living to everybody reading them. Obviously i was curious to know where these were taken from and who has the original writings. The answer came as a pleasant surprise. My brother has them in Dubai.

Voila....!! Iam surprised at myself. How could i not even know about all this ? How is it that i never thought of getting to know him.

Well.. My holiday to Dubai has suddenly got exciting. This is one trip Iam looking forward to as i will get to know my father after 34 years......

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Outsourced !!

I happened to stumble upon this 2007 movie at the DVD shop yesterday. 

The movie is about a person in Seattle losing his job and being sent to India to train his outsourced successor. It has a story line which has been done a million times over before but the simplicity displayed here in such abundance is sure to win you over. The movie isn’t overtly sweet nor is it down-right gritty & too realistic,  it has just the right balance which makes it acceptable & enjoyable in a laidback manner.

Outsourced is a clever, sweet, and surprisingly hilarious movie that uses lighthearted humor and charm to win over just about anyone in need of a carefree movie experience. The combination of likable characters, modest humor, and a cute love story make for a purely enjoyable romantic comedy.

Enough said...definitely worth a watch..

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dhakkans at work !!!

1. RR alias AD alias Jalal Agha alias Saand..
Takes 3 days to burn a dvd. When confronted, says " What can i do "..
Yes you can do a lot of things. Stand in the reception with your big belly and ogle at Mehbooba.
Giggle at your own sex jokes which nobody else can understand.

2. Gabbar alias APM..
The lap sitter. Doesnt understand basic body language. He beleives in "Perseverance Pays". Also beleives " If she says No, it means a yes". Highly appreciates people in every email. Wishes people 5 times a day even though he sits in the next cubicle.

3. Bandi alias Bipasha alias Rituporno alias Samba..
Sits like a bloody hog all day talking to his bong brethren. Considers himself the ultimate IT whizkid. The Nilekeni of the east. Has this uncanny ability to overhear surrounding conversations while mouthing bong bhasha on the phone. Has all the traits of the sepcies Rodenta.

4. MM alias Dhanno alias Disco Shanti..
Humpstress in heat. Forgets to get her laptop to office. Makes amatory sounds on the phone. Goes on 10 day official tours to Bangkok. Blabbers about trynning and roosters whenever she aint making out on the phone.

5. Volde alias Joker alias Thakur alias Kumar (aka Gaandu, Chutiya, Harami, Madarchodh, Behanchodh etc)..
Can seamlessly be identified with any Gaali you know. A man who suspects everybody and everything. Tinks and Dinks are his only objects of desire.

6. Gattu (Not worth an alias)..
The Dengue Dweller. The Mr. India. Now you see him now you dont. His whereabouts are a mystery which nobody has succeeded in unravelling. He is the blustering bully who habitually badgers smaller people through doors and in meeting rooms.

7. Curler alias Bastard..
The tail cutter. The Tantrik who has this strange resemblance to child molesters. Thrives on gossip. The History sheeter ( Can narrate sheets of office history). Tries to show his manliness by threatening women.

8. KK alias Kaalia..
Curlers sidekick. The guy who is not too keen on a US visit. Bloody Hell, Iam sure you already bought a new undie for the US trip. The unsurpassable dud. A mentally deficient person.

9. Coco alias Spy
He is the Manmada Rasa. The Oily Adonis. Thinks of himself as the Cool dude. Makes his wife send flowers and a card to office with Malayalam translated in english odes written on it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Shattered Hopes !!!

A corollary to my previous posting : " My boss, a leader in reckoning"..

Rhonda says " Desire whole heartedly what you want and the Universe will conspire to help you get it "..Sorry didnt work for Mr. Kumar.

Kumar lived in a fantasy for the last 3 months. He enacted every facet of a leader he thought he could be. The threats, the aggression, the politics, the networking. He in fact decided on a successor to the throne he was going to vacate. All his hopes shattered a few days back. An unknown entity in the industry was offered the coveted place.

It was like the Mukhiya of a village in unrest aspiring to be the PM. They say the biggies didnt think he was ready yet.

Behaviours changed overnight. You insulted your successor for his incapability to deliver a simple Elevator pitch. You decide to entertain your old time sub ordinates whom you had harassed for the last 3 months. You flirt with the same Gunny whom you had told to search for another assignment. You talk to me about a trip to Nagarahole and basking on Mary Jane. You discuss massages with jerks like Bandi and Gabbar.

Am I happy or not ? I maybe happy as you used me for all your initial interview presentations and then suddenly decided that a curler is more beneficial to you.
I maybe sad as you will continue to be the Mukhiya for time unknown..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Comfortably Numb

Is there anybody in there? 
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home? 

Come on, now.
I hear youre feeling down.
Well I can ease your pain,
Get you on your feet again.

I need some information first.
Just the basic facts:
Can you show me where it hurts? 

There is no pain, you are receding.
A distant ships smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I cant hear what youre sayin.
When I was a child I had a fever.
My hands felt just like two balloons.
Now I got that feeling once again.
I cant explain, you would not understand.
This is not how I am.
I have become comfortably numb."

Was this what we needed to shake us out of our reverie ? A recession.

A Gunny who had a care a damn attitude cries in office. Is willing to forego her attitude and seek help from lesser mortals like us.

Ex colleagues taunt me for having stuck on for so long. I feel like I have been sitting at the same desk for perpetuity. 

Where has the zeal gone ? Why am i not fighting with myself ? 

This is not how Iam.....or have i become comfortably numb..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Surviving our bosses !!!

What a bizarre situation to be in.. Some of us stuck with a boss who wont do anything and some with one who cant do anything ( All pun intended !!)..

Unfortunately life aint easy for people like us who are at the very bottom of the pit. Some tips on surviving our bosses and their mental thinness...

1. Get some facetime with the boss
I can hear the groaning but what i mean is quality face time. Get hold of some gossip on the contours of a bell curve for one kind of boss or the crc error our fault management tool generates when run on a Windows 2003 server environment for another kind of boss.
If you just aren’t that creative, seek help from other coworkers like me..

2. Contribute something to the conversation
Whenever you are in a meeting, add something to the discussion. It doesn’t have to be mindblowingly impressive. Just something to let everyone know you are participating. This is particularly important when your bosses is in the room.(Coco, Coco, Coco). Buy a tennis racquet or get branded as a non interested person if you dont do the above.
BTW.. heard there is a scheme on every dunlop tennis get 4 balls free.

3. Don’t say anything stupid
So now you’re contributing. That’s great. Just don’t overdo it. Don’t interrupt when others are speaking, and don’t talk too much. And above all, don’t say anything that makes you look like a moron.(Pitroda, Pitroda, Pitroda). 
Think before you speak. Never repeat your statments. If Peter has said it, Repeater need not say it again.

4. Show up early
This one’s realy difficult, especially for 9AM meetings.Why should you get there 
early? Because nobody else is going to and it’s an easy way to get good face time as in point no.1. 
And if your boss isnt in, make sure to send or reply to an email right when you get there. 
At least someone will know you were there early. Bosses will know you care and colleagues will think you care more than they do. If you get a promotion ( dream on), everyone will think you deserve it.

5. Wish everybody
Here’s where some of the salesmanship really takes over. You want people to like you. Even if you really don’t care about them, it will help your career path. Say hello to everyone you see. And say their name. “Good morning, Curler.”"Good morning KK". "Good morning Gabbar"...aaargghhh. I take back my words. Do it to selective people who really matter.
Bat your eyelids while saying hello , gives a personal touch. Need tuitions from Gunny..

6. Laugh, but not too much
This is the next step in getting to know your coworkers. When you’re in the pantry, joke around a little. Laugh and have fun. But always cut it short.  Any more than a minute or two and you’re goofing off. Unless you want a Gabbar sitting on your lap or licking ur fingers dry.
And never share jokes and laugh with people of the other tribe in meetings. You will be accused of sharing savithabhabhi photos from your mobile.

7. Dress well
Dress better than your peers. This is very easy for some of us.
The cliche is to dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Great idea, but you don’t necessarily have to wear a suit or a brown blazer to work for your boss to think you have leadership potential.(Peter / Repeater, Peter / Repeater, Peter / Repeater).  Just make an effort to look different and its really easy.

8. Walk fast and carry something
Walk at Mach 3 when you are passing by your boss's cabin..So even if he calls out your name you are far far away. Always carry something in your hand. Like a notepad or a paper. Never be seen around your boss's cabin with a pack of cigarettes  and a Zippo in your hand. A review on customer satisfaction surveys is destined for you.

9. Send emails during off hours
I’m not suggesting you pretend to be a hard worker. Think of it as a mail replying competition with your boss, See who holds on for long.
The winner gets to walk with a swagger and an arrogant frown on his face the next day at office. Blood red eyes are a common side effect as the competition normally ends at 3 AM.

10. Tell them what you want
So now you’re making a good impression. You’re an intelligent hard worker who goes above and beyond. You are no more a tennis player and you are no more being shown how close the doors are.
Now its time to tell the bosses what you want. Schedule a 30 minute meeting with your superior to discuss you career path and your goals.
There could be two outcomes of this discussion.
A sudden drift in yourself to commit suicide by banging your head against the glass panes covering their tables or an insane rage to destroy all living beings on earth.

Relax...get back to your seat...starting working on point 1 again..

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dev D - Emotional Atyachar.

Dev D is a breathtaking demonstration on how to render the most static of stories irresistibly dynamic. It leaves you spellbound with never-imagined craze on the Indian cinematic canvas. It is inexplicable, but impeccable. Weird, true, distressing and entertaining too.

Which Bollywood movie would you find dialogues like "Arrey tumne Paro ki abhi tak nahi li, bahut garmi hain usme", "Dad, did you jerk off after seeing my mms", "I will not go around sucking every guys cock on the road"....

This movie adds a progressive quirk to both the plot and the characters which are played to perfection by the three lead players.

Dev -The Protagonist. A guy with no motive in life, who is adamant and outright  disrespectful towards his elders. Drinks Vodka with Thums Up,  Smokes Pot, Snorts Cocaine. A weak, whining, self-destructive individual with a malicious fascination for emotional cruelty, who always realizes the worth of something after he has lost it.

Paro - The Garmi girl. Sends nude pictures of herself on chats,  cycles into sugarcane fields with a mattress to check out the "Jora Jori in the Khet". She dances in her own wedding with such lusty abandon, her husband is taken aback by the firecracker he’s married.

Chanda - The fellatio and phone sex expert. Frustrated, violated, unloved teenager who rebels when friends and family desert her. Her claim to fame being an MMS ( a la DPS)

This is indeed a coming-of-age film which plays mystifying mind games with you. It might just go down in history as one of the most radical Indian films, at least in its depiction of male and female sexuality. Move over KL Saigal, Dilip Kumar, SRK..this Devdas is distinct.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Art of Licking

The age-old practice of ass kissing was rewarded yet again yesterday with the promotion of Coco the creep, a longtime sweet-talker known for his tenacity and perseverance in the ass kissing field. His lack of original ideas and relentless flattery of superiors could not hold him back. He is living proof that fawning yes-men do succeed in this world. He is known to co-workers for his absurdly transparent insincerity in social relations and his incredibly irritating habit of busybodying around the office without ever doing anything.
I whole heartedly understand the vexation of my only friend who reads this blog. Hence i have taken upon a task to teach you the art of licking. Not that iam an expert but have a lot more experience than you in watching how lickers operate.
Some pointers..
1. The first step in learning to kiss ass effectively is to get rid of the bad taste in your mouth that comes just from thinking about it. If you're disgusted by what you're doing, you'll never be able to do it well. After all, most people like having their ass kissed, as long as the one doing the kissing is good at it.
2. You can never become a top-notch ass kisser unless you genuinely like people. How does one go about learning to like people? Part of it is realizing that, whether you like it or not, you're a lot like everyone else on this planet. You feel the same emotions, make the same mistakes, and have the same desire for people to love you anyway. Another part is teaching yourself to see the good side of people. Work at it long enough, and you can find something you genuinely like about anyone, even if it's only their talent for making you hate them.
3. Learning the fine art of licking is like every other skill. It takes practice. The masters of the craft dedicate years to it, honing their skills of observation and delivery. I recommend practicing on your friends. Me for instance, am morally obligated to like you, no matter what you do. Try throwing out a compliment every now and again. Once i get over the shock, i'll probably appreciate it, and you'll get valuable practice.
4. None of those benefits will directly make you more money, but indirectly, they can add up to significant increases in your value to everyone around you. As your value increases, you'll also have more "ammunition" when you ask for a promotion or a bonus or a change in role.
These pointers are not specific to the present work environment. They should be used lavishly across every facet of your life.
Coming back to Coco. Neither can you do the talk like him nor can you do the walk like him. It would be utterly painful for you to carry a jackfruit in your delicate hands. You dont have a daughter who can sing. So what do you do ?
The only thought that comes to my mind....
"Run Papa Run"...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Boss - A leader in reckoning

My boss doesn't appear to be a bad person - just very strange. I must admit he has not (yet) treated me unfairly. Just this overall strange discomfort.
We are both in exact sciences - so you can imagine that the social skills are a bit lacking. I get the feeling that he's always watching me and testing me, even after almost a year on the job.
It was an eerie realisation which came over me when i invited him home in a somnolent state.
The next two hours involved a lot of striving on both sides to find topics to discuss which were not work related. Some of them were an in depth analysis on the features of an LCD screen, constituents for a strong photo frame, a capricious discussion on why i own more books of fiction than management etc.,
A lot of thoughts came to my mind when he left. Was he eliciting a socialist faculty which he never had ? Hell .....No...I get 3 emails from his blackberry in sharp 15 mins. Three things which i had not done last week....all my thoughts of seeing him evolving as a leader were drowned in abandoned agony.

A boss creates fear, a leader confidence.
A boss fixes blame, a leader corrects mistakes.
A boss knows all, a leader asks questions.
A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting.

Can you be a leader Mr. Kumar............?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jim Morrison - Quotes

1.  Actually I don't remember being born, it must have happened during one of my black outs
2. Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free..
3. I am interested in anything about revolt, disorder, chaos-especially activity that seems to have no meaning. It seems to me to be the road toward freedom... Rather than starting inside, I start outside and reach the mental through the physical.
4. I believe in a long, prolonged, derangement of the senses in order to obtain the unknown
5. There are things known and things unknown and in between are the doors
6. I like any reaction I can get with my music. Just anything to get people to think. I mean if you can get a whole room full of drunk, stoned people to actually wake up and think, you're doing something..
7. I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A day in my Boss's life...

6AM- Wake up with a jolt. Bad dream.(Laptop and Blackberry had crashed)
6.05AM-Contemplate between exercise and Emails. Settle for the emails
6.30AM-The Mandatory "Good Morning" to the son
7.00AM-Browse through the newspaper and the Blackberry simultaneously.
8.00AM-See off son to school and say "Have a good day" when he is getting into the bus
8.30AM-Start driving to office. Check mails on the way. Get cursed by other car drivers for not paying attention to the road.
9.05AM-Call up Mourner Menon.
9.20AM-Call Purush the Man
9.30AM-Forward 7 mails each to me,Gunny,Python (4 common mails and 3 individual).
10.00AM-Call me to discuss freakin Customer Satisfaction Surveys
10.10AM-Wish good afternoon to Gunny Singh
10.30AM-Call up Mourner Menon
11.00AM-Get into a deep technical discussion with Curler and KK.Its hard on time..
11.30AM-Still hard on time
11.40AM-Walk around the office cracking jokes after the orgasmic technical rendezvous
11.42AM-Forward more mails
12.30PM-Call me to discuss freakin support issues
1.00PM-Call up Mourner Menon
1.10PM-Have Lunch. Get ragged by women.
1.30PM-Call Python for a review.
2.15PM-Mourner Menon calls up
2.45PM-Patrol around the office.Ask RR for database.
3.00PM-Review Me
3.30PM-Grill KK on technical issues. Get a hard on..
4.00PM-Whiteboards begin. Praise Mourner Menon
5.30PM-Whiteboards end. Praise Mourner Menon
6.00PM-Call Purush the Man
7.00PM-Reluctantly let me and Python go home
7.30PM-Call Mourner Menon
8.30PM-Leave Office
9.15PM-Ask the son "How was your day"
10.00PM-Ask the wife "How was your day". Avoid all other conversations which could lead to making out.
10.30PM-Contemplate between reading the Ramayan or The Time. Settle for Emails.
11.00PM-Pull out 17 month old mails and start forwarding to Gunny, Me and Python
11.30PM-Send datasheets to 8 customers
12.00AM- Sneak up to see if wife has slept
12.15AM-Crawl into bed carefully avoiding all physical contact....

Movie Mania

The last one month has been quite good on the movie watching front. I seem to be liking every movie i see. From Rab ne bana di jodi, Mamma Mia, City of God, Quantum of Solace etc . etc..
But two movies definitely stand out and will linger on in my mind for sometime....
Vaaranam Aayiram :
This movie narrates the bonding between a father and his son from the latter's perception.
The story takes us through the various stages in the hero's life and the multitude of emotional gamut he undergoes. The movie is a celebration of fatherhood, a bond often ignored by the film industry in favor of tear-jerkers featuring hapless mothers.
I havent personally experienced paternal love in my life but this movie surely gave me insights into that aspect of life which i missed. It definitely gave me pointers on how a good father should be.
It touches you deep inside and brings forth several emotions at once. The emotions, love, passion and motivations in the movie make it a treat to cherish.
Slum Dog Millionaire:
This movie is entertaining, in a very different sense. Clothed with seriousness and humor at critical junctures, the movie is unpredictable. Danny Boyle packages the plight of two Mumbai orphans and their quest for survival into a pulse-pounding game show format . Through the experiences of these children we witness some aspects of Indian culture which we conveniently tend to ignore. It really is incredible to see these little bright and shining faces thriving despite the poverty and crime that surrounds them.
Set on the streets of Mumbai, Slumdog is a riot of colour, energy and mischievous fun - in short, a perfect movie to start of a decidedly dreary New Year. It's unexpected and even incongruous to the story but in hindsight seems the perfect way to end the uplifting tale of a young man's ascent from India's slums to a contestant on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." The staple Bollywood end-of-the-movie dance is a a nice nod to the tradition.