Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Boss - A leader in reckoning

My boss doesn't appear to be a bad person - just very strange. I must admit he has not (yet) treated me unfairly. Just this overall strange discomfort.
We are both in exact sciences - so you can imagine that the social skills are a bit lacking. I get the feeling that he's always watching me and testing me, even after almost a year on the job.
It was an eerie realisation which came over me when i invited him home in a somnolent state.
The next two hours involved a lot of striving on both sides to find topics to discuss which were not work related. Some of them were an in depth analysis on the features of an LCD screen, constituents for a strong photo frame, a capricious discussion on why i own more books of fiction than management etc.,
A lot of thoughts came to my mind when he left. Was he eliciting a socialist faculty which he never had ? Hell .....No...I get 3 emails from his blackberry in sharp 15 mins. Three things which i had not done last week....all my thoughts of seeing him evolving as a leader were drowned in abandoned agony.

A boss creates fear, a leader confidence.
A boss fixes blame, a leader corrects mistakes.
A boss knows all, a leader asks questions.
A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting.

Can you be a leader Mr. Kumar............?

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